How do I choose a domain name?

The first part of the name, bigcorporation, is the part that you
determine. The second part, .com, is called a Top Level
Domain. The TLD for a business is usually .com. If you are
registering a non-profit organization, the TLD is usually .org.
There are many other TLD's, but these are the two you are
most likely to use. The rules of determining what your domain
name will be are:

1.The name may only contain letters, numbers, or a hyphen.
Other characters such as ? or ! cannot be used.
2.A domain name can be up to 26 characters long,
including the 4 characters of the TLD (.com, .org, etc).

What's included?

We will register the domain with InterNIC and setup and
maintain all DNS services for your domain for the period of 2
years. This price covers all InterNIC fees as well. All
transactions are encrypted and processed over our secure
web server.